Item Number: TEMPSTAND38 |
These stands are the toughest stands on the market today. Based on decades of feedback from professional rental companies, these stands go the extra mile to incorporate many significant features that our competitors simply ignore. Features such as using solid .85" 60,000psi yield strength rebar for the pegs instead of light wall tubing made from scrap steel. Using a heavier walled cross member to help carry wind loads, and drilling all the way through the cross member and welding the peg in both on the top and bottom to eliminate ripping at the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ). Our stands also incorporate an open tube design perpendicular to the fence. This allows installers the option to insert 1" O.D. pipe inside the stands, perpendicular to the fence line, to widen the stance of the stand on either side of fence for better stability. The pegs are also welded with a gap of 1.25" between pegs so panel clamps, instead of saddle clamps, can be used to virtually eliminate flex and disconnection on windy days. Stand measures 24" X 12" with 10" tall pegs. |